Since it’s inception in 2019 The Sustain Chain has had a significant impact on industry, we’re delighted to announce the wide range of categories open to your nominations for The Sustain Chain 2023 Awards.
To make a nomination for any of the Sustain Chain Awards categories please vote with the category, the nomination and a brief explanation. Don’t forget to include your contact details.
Learn more about The Sustain Chain.
Nominations are now closed
The categories for The Sustain Chain Awards 2023 are;
Click here to read about this category and nominate nowCreating Sustainability is often making a number of small changes that work towards achieving a longer goal. From reducing costs, through to replacing equipment with more environmentally friendly options, there are many ways we can work towards achieving sustainability across the supply chain. If you, or your business have implemented changes to achieve sustainability, this category is for you. Tell us what you did, why, and the impact it will have.
Click here to read about this category and nominate nowFor Charities, CIC’s and Community Projects who have reached the community they serve, showing outstanding commitment to their cause.
Click here to read about this category and nominate nowSince the launch of initiatives such as the Plastic Pact, the world has become increasingly aware of the need to eliminate our reliance on single use plastic. We have already seen some great changes in the food and drinks markets but there is still much to be done across the supply chain. We are looking forward to receiving nominations for the individuals or businesses who have made changes, big or small, to reduce the use of single plastics
Click here to read about this category and nominate nowCarbon emissions are damaging the environment and are a great cause of concern for many of us. While rising fuel prices may have us all scrambling for ways to cut down on reliance on transport, longer term the business world needs to find more ways to reduce their carbon emissions. Whether you are talking about a small change or an initiative that has taken significant investment, please nominate your carbon emission reducing champions for this award.