IoSCM’s Tutor Team are an amalgamation of some of the industry’s finest talent. All experts within their field, the team provide preparation for your distance learning experience, assistance with your qualification and support you during each unit. Because we have tutors specialising in every sector of the industry, we have a strong perception of the requirements needed to succeed and progress within every field.
IoSCM Level 6 Purchasing and Procurement Tutor
20+ Years in Purchasing and Supply
- Dedicated Tutor and Trainer for Over 10 Years
- Level 7 Qualified
- Education in Training Level 5 Certificate
“I’m passionate about supporting our learners throughout their distance learning journey. The level of support we provide, teamed with our customised approach and flexibility, guarantees success.”
You’ll receive unlimited 1 to 1 support, guidance and feedback from IoSCM’s industry expert tutor team, with communication through a range of methods including Whatsapp, Skype, Facetime, text, email or phone call.

Don’t just take our word for it, we’re trusted by thousands of businesses who have employees studying our distance learning courses, in 101 countries across the globe. From entry level personnel to senior managers, we’re securing the future of the purchasing industry by delivering fully accredited UK qualifications.

Our network of expert expands beyond our tutors. Opportunities to network worldwide is available through the IoSCM Members’ Area, allowing you to build professional relationships, share experience and expertise with other professionals and organisations on a global scale.
Becoming a Member of the Institute of Supply Chain Management provides students and businesses with access to a range of services designed to support professional development and maintain high standards within the industry.