Seven Wonders of Today's Supply Chain - Institute of Supply Chain Management
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Seven Wonders of Today’s Supply Chain

  • General News
  • 28th May 2016

Following our first insight into The Seven Wonders of Supply Chain last week, we have received phenomenal feedback. Our focus over the next 11 months is to promote the benefits and opportunities available to people who work in the Supply Chain. We want to make Supply Chain a career path that people strive to be a part of and to make people aware that this is an industry with incredible potential.

Our first segment, The Seven Wonders of Yesterday’s Supply Chain allowed us to connect our main focus points for a career in Supply Chain to The Seven Wonders and drawing attention to the fact that Supply Chains were apparent many years before Technology was available. Our second insight is “The Seven Wonders of Todays Supply Chain” and puts emphasis on today’s great constructions and engineering achievements. This segment allows today’s generation to see how they can be involved in structures and buildings that break records and change the appearance of their country.

The Moscow Underground is the most famous underground, known not only for its size but also the appearance of each station.  Referred to as “underground palaces” the underground was initially developed in 1935 as an 11km line. The 13 stations involved in this initial construction were specially designed by various artists and architects to represent the “sun underground”. The 13 original stations include marble walls, stained glass windows, statues, chandeliers and high radiant ceilings. As the underground started to expand into one of the largest known undergrounds in the world, the construction of these “underground palaces” could not be maintained. The original stations have remained as beautiful and unique now, in 2015 as they did when they were built in 1935. To us, The Moscow underground carries sustainability into the modern world. This underground line is unique with no other undergrounds coming close to the beauty that Moscow encompasses. Each station has lasted the test of time and ensures that the underground remains a tourist attraction for anyone visiting Moscow.

Choose a Career in Supply Chain and you could help construct something so beautiful, that many flocks to see, well into the future.

The Shard began construction in 2009 and was inaugurated on the 5th of July 2012. The Shard has taken the title of the largest building in Europe, standing approximately 1014 feet tall and was built as a progression from the 24 stories, Southwark Towers that stood there from 1975. The shard carries a unique glass-clad, pyramid structure towering 72 floors. The glass-clad design was imperative to it’s building, as then Deputy Prime Minister Prescott wouldn’t approve “skyscrapers” without an exceptional architectural design. It was designed to be energy efficient, promoting the development of technology into the millennium and was designed from research into The World Trade Centre allowing the building to be protected from onerous conditions. To us, The Shard signifies Progression. Starting as a blank piece of land, developing into the South Wark Towers and resulting in The Shard, a famous, uniquely designed building that towers over London.

Choose a Career in Supply Chain, you can make your own pyramid, each step a new role allowing you to climb higher and develop into positions you thoughts un-imaginable.

Known as one building, the Opera house actually comprises of 7 separate buildings combined into one. It is made up of 7 individual theatres, not considering the recording studios and restaurants. The Opera house took 16 years to build, 10 years behind schedule and 14 times the planned budget. The designer of the Opera house was chosen as a competition winner which took place between 1955 and 1957. The Opera house acts as a representative of Sydney and is not only used by the Sydney Locals but attracts millions of tourist a year to witness the unique and individual performances that take place. To us, The Sydney Opera House represents Economy. It has brought billions to its economy since the start of its build. Employing over 10000 builders over 16 years, and supporting approximately 12000 jobs in its current economy, its contribution has allowed Sydney to develop into the Cultural Hub that it is today.

Choose a career in Supply Chain and you could help to build the economy of your country.

Unknown to many, this project was established in 1927 when a 19-mile dyke was constructed to turn the Zuiderzee sea into a Freshwater Lake. The reason behind this development was that due to The Netherlands lying below Sea Level, many of its provinces were subject to heavy flooding. In order to defend its citizens, and Rotterdam (one of the largest ports in the world) from constant disruption, they developed the largest storm barriers in the world. This involved dykes, floodgates and dams being built, across its sea to prevent flooding in these areas. The Delta Works as it otherwise known as a very complex build costing over 450 million euros and involved the production of hundreds of individually manufactured parts. It is the only dam in Europe built to this size, over an Ocean. Due to the positive impact that this project has had on its country, many flood-prone cities are attempting to amend the design to build a similar structure for their protection. To us, the Delta Works represents defence, saving its country from millions of pounds worth of damage and creating a structure envied by other sea surrounded countries.

Choose a Career in Supply Chain and you could be part of something that is remembered in history, for saving your country from threats.

The Petronas towers were built on the site of Kuala Lumpas race track, starting in 1992 and opened to the public in 1999. The initial plan had to be altered after it emerged that the land contained soft rock and limestone, making the site unsafe for a building of this size. The buildings hold the record of tallest twin buildings in the world and held the tallest building until 2004. Architect Cesar Pelli & Associates designed and managed the build with insight from Engineers. To keep as much of the construction within Malaysia, they made a decision to change the steel structure which would need to be imported and used re-enforced concrete that was produced in their country. Every aspect of the build was especially thought out, including the connecting tunnel which is used as an escape route should one of the buildings need to be evacuated. To us, the Petronas Towers represent the meticulous management needed within Supply Chain to plan, produce and build a product of this scale,

Choose a career in Supply Chain and you could oversee your own project, anywhere in the world.

The Channel Tunnel is recognised as being one of the largest Engineering projects to take place, both within the UK and France. The build began in 1988 and took 13000 workers between both countries. The tunnel is 31 miles long and is 75metre deep at its lowest point. The initial concept of the Channel Tunnel was proposed over 100 years before it was built in 1856 when Aimé Thomé de Gamond presented it to Napoleon. This idea was declined however in 1980, French and British leaders asked for private companies to put suggestions forward of a connecting route to attach Britain to France. Allowing citizens of both countries to easily travel between two continents, The Channel Tunnel represents innovation. To design an under-water passing off this scale was unheard of. Similar projects such as the Tyne tunnel had been implemented early in the 1900’s, however, the scale of building for a rail tunnel is un-comparable to a road passing of a quarter of the size.

Choose a career in Supply Chain and your innovative ideas could be remembered for years to come.

The Burj Khalifa started construction in 2004 and opened in 2010. This phenomenal building is not just a skyscraper but is also the focal point of the tourist district which homes a fitness suite, 11 hectares of parkland, over 900 residences, hotels, office floors, restaurants and an observation deck. Standing over 2716 feet tall, it currently holds world records for 7 categories including Tallest Building in the World, Highest Occupied Floor in the World and Tallest Service Elevator in the world. In the early 1990’s, Dubai made a strategic decision to take the City into Tourism. It began expanding the City from the blank canvas it was into the extraordinary city that it has developed into today. The Burj Khalifa stands tall in, what is now known as the most extravagant tourist city in the world. To us, The Burj Khalifa represents achievement. Breaking known world records for building heights and adding millions to the UK Economy, it has played a large part in progressing Dubai into the Tourist resort that it is today and stands tall over its City as well as the World.

Choose a career in Supply Chain and you could unlock the journey that allows you to achieve your Seven Wonders.

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