COVID-19 has highlighted the urgent need for companies to prioritise the transformation of traditional supply chain models. Companies must rethink supply chains altogether and consider alternative measures such as digital sourcing technology to minimise further risk and disruption. Greg Smith, Managing Director, Americas, of Proudfoot talks to IoSCM about why it is so important, and how to do it successfully.
Going “green” in your supply chain is the “right thing to do”, but it also dramatically improves your bottom line. Find out why sustainable supply chains are helping the environment and improving your bottom line with Nicholas Zabikow Executive Vice President of Global Sales and Marketing of innovative technology company Yojee.
COVID-19 has placed business practices and procedures under the microscope. While many organisations have embraced remote working as a full-time way of working, this is not possible for everyone. For those businesses who require their employees to be 'on-site' there is a need to ensure the facilities provided meet the guidelines and reassure employees, and customers, that their safety is being treat as a priority. Although this article focuses on bathrooms, some of the idea's can be utilised across business premises.
With no clear timeline on the quarantine and other restrictions to end, freight companies are responding to the pressing crisis by saving cash, planning safe workspaces, modifying the size of the workforce to match the prevailing market, and rendering humanitarian support. World trade continues to be hampered by continuously increasing freight costs throughout the pandemic.
Delivering a seamless cross-border final mile experience is a complicated process. From the moment of sale, eCommerce businesses need to ensure their warehousing operations, shipping and delivery carriers all work together to provide a smooth delivery. Find out more with IoSCM.
Industrial machinery is one of the costliest investments for companies, so proper maintenance is key to get the highest possible value of your purchase. Besides, if your equipment breaks down due to lack of maintenance, it may delay or stop work for the whole construction site, costing your company a fortune. A simple way to protect your investment and avoid expensive breakdowns is to know how to maintain your industrial equipment properly. With correct maintenance, you won’t only extend the lifespan of your equipment, but you can also save your money and time.
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