All businesses are different and there are a range of factors that go into manufacturing which can differentiate an organisation from the competition; improving the quality of the manufacturing process within your business may be the key to increasing business efficiency and growth
Since the beginning of humanity there has always been trade. A caveman noticed the other village had something their own wanted, so they offered something in return. The trade of goods and services is ingrained in our very being, we evolved with collaboration in mind – It’s part of our psychological and physiological make-up and necessary for our survival.
Every company in the world uses logistics in some form, although not all will employ a full-time logistics manager; the purpose of a logistician is to organise the movement of supplies and raw materials necessary for the business to operate. Inbound logistics are then used in conjunction with outbound logistics to distribute products of services where they are in demand.
The value of continued learning after leaving the formal education system was highlighted this week. National Apprenticeship Week began on Monday 8th March and saw colleges and universities partner with businesses to push the importance of vocational qualifications and increasing employability.
Tucked away in the pastoral splendour of the old Pilkington Glass family’s country seat of Rainford Hall in St Helens is me, Stephen Ashcroft, a senior consultant at Brian Farrington Ltd, one of the world’s longest established procurement and supply chain consultancy and training specialists
As the economy continues to dwindle in an unsteady climate there is an increasing reliance on the service industries, in particular supply chain, logistics and manufacturing. Whilst it is expected that the supply chain sector will continue to grow, there remains an uncertainty regarding the length of the economic recovery and how this will impact on the industry.
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