Nope, neither bird, nor plane. It’s the pentacontakaitetracopter… obviously. A self-made helicopter powered by 54 drone rotor blades.
"Use a computer to make complex objects seemingly appear out of thin air?" It sounds ridiculous, but we all know this isn’t the stuff of science fiction (any longer). 3-D printing is here, growing and the mode of production of the future. If making an object becomes as easy as a quick download followed by a quick print, the manufacturing industry (and our lives!) will be changed forever.
There's change in the air, and the stage of set for a major shift in supply chain relations, global production, currency manipulation tactics, imports and exports and a host of other things too numerous to list. There's a lot going on, and we're all going to be affected.
Problems faced by logisticians and supply chain professionals are more complex than ever due to increases in information flow, inter?dependencies and the dramatic rate of change.
Whenever one person successfully completes an IoSCM qualification we pat ourselves on the back for a job well done. After all, this person will go on to put their learning into practice and become an example of excellence within the supply chain industry. Allowing somebody the chance to bring their skills to the supply chain arena (and improve their career in the progress) is the reason we get up in the morning and always aim to provide a leading learning experience. But when we are given the opportunity to help 72 people bring their skills, ideas and innovations to the supply chain, it’s a cause for celebration.
850lb Polar Bear Transported to Saint Louis in USA
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