It’s never too late to learn - Institute of Supply Chain Management
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It’s never too late to learn

  • General News
  • 15th February 2016

Adult Learners’ week is a national celebration of lifelong learning and the benefits of continued learning into adulthood.  Thousands of events, promotions and awards ceremonies, held between 18 – 24 May, highlight the many types of learning available to adults from all walks of life. Learning new skills and developing knowledge can improve prospects in a current role, provide foundations to start a new career and establish new and exciting opportunities. Adult Learners’ Week also offers organisations the chance to showcase the learning opportunities they provide and shapes the ongoing debate about adult learning. IoSCM is an advocate of continuous learning and the importance of developing skills and expertise in order to establish career prospects and increase the potential for success in the supply chain industry. Offering flexible qualifications across level 1 – 7, from award through to diploma, we are able to create tailored courses for sectors such as purchasing, logistics, freight, manufacturing, warehousing and shipping to enhance core skills and benefit both the individual and business. Get in touch with us today and find out how continued lifelong learning can benefit you. +44 (0)800 1422 522

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