The Seven Wonders of Tomorrows Supply Chain - Institute of Supply Chain Management
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The Seven Wonders of Tomorrows Supply Chain

  • General News
  • 5th June 2016

We would like to thank everyone for the phenomenal response that we have received over the past two weeks of this campaign.

We hope that we have allowed people to see the possibilities available to them and the different areas that they can develop into.

Our final instalment shows what we believe the Future Wonders of the World will look like. As these have not been constructed yet, we would like to come back to this in the future and discuss their appearance, their achievements and how they have been developed. You can see by these phenomenal designs, that if you choose a career in Supply Chain, you can be part of the development of these unusual and unique creations.


These towers are planned to be completed by 2019 and will surpass the Burj Khalifa in many of its records including the Tallest Building in the World. Once completed, it will stand tall above any other sky scrapper built to date. Incorporating hotels, restaurants, flats and shops into this mile-high building, with a pink glow to represent a Sunset, this will be something never seen before and you could be a part of it.


The Garden Bridge has started in it’s planning and although it does not have a completion date, the garden bridge has been approved and is a huge talking point around the UK. Once completed, the bridge will be the most expensive bridge of its kind, covering a length of 367 metres and will connect north and south London with a gorgeous bridge of garden. The Garden Bridge will add to the cities many parks, gardens and stunning walkways allowing a peaceful place for people to stop and take in the views of the cities. This garden will be allowed to grow and develop for many years in the future enjoyed by the London tourists and younger generations.


This exceptional vessel is currently under construction and was initially designed over 10 years ago. It is a perfect example of how technology has developed and progressed over the years to create something so unique that it will be the only vessel of it’s kind. It will be 58 metres high with half of the vessel remaining under water to allow for constant under water researching. It will draw from renewable energy sources such as wind, solar and wave power to make it efficient for the economy and allow us to establish things about our Sea Life and the Ocean that are currently unavailable with current technology.


This enormous creation was confirmed in the middle of 2014 and will bring billions to the Dubai economy. It has been designed as a climate controlled, indoor (removable dome) leisure district. It will be the biggest mall in the world, with a theme park, hotels, restaurants, theatres, parks and streets. Boasting a temperature controlled pedestrian city spanning over 48 million square feet, this creation will be like nothing ever seen before. In a country that already holds the tallest buildings in the world, the largest aquarium and constructed palm shaped islands, it will be a fantastic addition to a glorious city, drawing more tourists to the city to build on its economy.


This four square mile floating city will be the first and only city of its kind created. It is to be built of the coast of China and Sri Lanka and will accommodate housing for Chinese’s over crowded cities as well as museums, hotels, restaurants and other recreational facilities. It is an innovative design to change the face of typical holiday destinations. Instead of flocking to a hot country to sit in the sun, holiday makers will be able to lie undersea, surrounded by sea life and the calming notion of the Ocean. The Floating City will not only bring to surface an extraordinary new concept of a city on water but will also change the face of international holidaying.


This stunning and unusual design has been adapted to put a different take on shipping containers. Elaborated from the new “pop up hotels” which are taking the travel industry by storm, each container will be decorated and designed into a boutique hotel room externally designed and sponsored by famous brands such a Ferrari, Louis Vuitton and Prada. The structure of the building has been designed so each container can be removed from the hotel and placed in a different location without the remaining structure collapsing, like a giant game of Jenga. This concept means that the containers can be transported once they need replacing to benefit relief efforts and allow them to be recycled as pop up offices and mobile apartments. Isn’t it amazing what a shipping container can be used for?


This extraordinary development has been in the planning for over 10 years is coming close to being launched. This space shuttle service has been designed to allow members of the public to “holiday in space” once the shuttle has completed all of its quality checks. There has been a lot of coverage around this creation and it is highly anticipated. Recent negative press showed some production issues within the test flights when they exploded in the air which has impacted on the scheduled date of the first approved public flight. The space shuttle has been many years in the making and once finalised and launched it will be established as one of the greatest achievements known since the creation of Earth. To be able to take members of the public into space, to see the Earth below and the Universe in safe surrounds seems almost unthinkable, but it will be here before we know it.

Choose your career in Supply Chain and you could be part of the developments for the future, creating things that were once unthinkable.

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