What exactly is ‘customer experience’? - Institute of Supply Chain Management
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What exactly is ‘customer experience’?

  • General News
  • 7th February 2016

Adam Voak, IoSCM Australia

A customer experience is not just about rationality, it is something much more complex.

Customer experience lives much deeper in the subconscious, it is a feeling, a vibe, linked by our emotions. Therefore to fully understand customer experience we must come to understand how the customer feels both consciously and subconsciously. By definition, this brings a degree of complexity to the discussion, because it asks the fundamental question of how a company relates to its customers. This relationship will then drive customer loyalty, acquisition and retention.

By deploying emotionally based research methodology we come to understand what it really means to become more customer-centric and customer engaged. Every company provides a customer experience, good, bad or indifferent. The real question is whether these experiences are meeting customer expectations.

So how can we improve customer experiences?
Well, you will first need to ask a few fundamental questions. What is like to be your customer? What does the customer journey look like? Do you understand the moments of truth within this journey? Does the experience deliver on the brand promise? What are you doing to understand these experiences? What actions will you take to improve them?

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