Why choose a career in Logistics? - Institute of Supply Chain Management
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Why choose a career in Logistics?

  • General News
  • 27th December 2015

Every company in the world uses logistics in some form, although not all will employ a full-time logistics manager; the purpose of a logistician is to organise the movement of supplies and raw materials necessary for the business to operate. Inbound logistics are then used in conjunction with outbound logistics to distribute products or services where they are in demand.

Without logistics, the planning and execution of the distribution of resources would be a chaotic process and cause problems around the world; as the global economy has expanded, logistics has become increasingly important and offers a  challenging career path.

Whilst logistics may seem like a complicated job that requires advanced logistics qualifications such as a degree, this really depends on the area of logistics you wish to enter; truck drivers, warehouse workers and forklift operators are all part of a logistics team but they are directed by mid-level managers and experienced logistics executives. Furthermore, the opportunities available for training and advancement are plentiful in logistics as the industry tends to focus more on training and promoting low-level employees to high-level positions rather than hire outside of the organisation.

Due to the sheer variety of work, logistics jobs are often interesting, demanding and can lead to the development of new skills which can open opportunities such as international business.

Although it is commonly thought that logistics careers are traditionally held by men, the volume of women entering the field is steadily increasing; many women hold top positions in logistics companies and within logistics departments, setting a precedent for women in the future.

To discuss the most suitable logistics qualification to support your career development, email michelle.tait@ioscm.com.

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