Most Powerful Tips for Revising Your Essay
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Most Powerful Tips for Revising Your Essay

  • General News
  • 21st January 2020

 You can take your essay to another level by taking another look at it once it is complete so you know precisely how to revise it. After you have completed the writing, review your work looking at it through the lens of a critic, be impartial and ensure what you are reading delivers your desired message to your audience.

 Here are a few simple revising tips that can help you master the art of altering your essay to achieve results:

Create a Checklist of Aspects You Need To Correct During Revision

There are many areas that you could focus on during your revision including:

  • Choice of words.
  • Grammar and composition.
  • Rewording the phrases to have a particular impact.
  • Perfecting the tone.
  • Removing the elements of personal preference (if you are looking to present it from a neutral perspective.)

The piece that you choose to revise depends on the nature and theme of your essay along with the audience to which it is intended. It’s worth rereading through each phrase or line individually, which will give you the chance to adjust any word, phrase, or sentence that you think is not relevant to your audience or purpose of writing.

If the thought of having to write an essay worries you then don’t fear you are not alone. Some people are just not cut out to be a writer, and you may wish to consult an expert or organisation as essay writing service who can support you through this time.

Make Big Changes When Editing

When editing your piece of writing, you may have to take certain words out, helping you to change the tone of your assignment. Don’t be concerned if you think you have to redo big parts (maybe a paragraph or two or more…). It may sound like a nightmare, but you will later be thankful that you have taken the time to make the changes, especially if you are someone that gains satisfaction from their work. Make sure each part is perfectly linked into the rest so your essay reads well and is complete.

Small Changes are Also Necessary

When the big changes are completed, it is time to review your essay through the eyes of your audience. Try to review your work from an impartial perspective.  According to experts from fast growing writing service Essay Basics, when you look into smaller details like the creation of phrases, spelling and grammar errors, and similar, you may have to gear down. Every time you pick an issue, try to amend it at once or highlight it if you don’t want to break your flow. The importance of paying attention to small details is vital as it is likely this is how your audience will view your work. To avoid the brain numbingly pain of editing and revising, or even writing in the first place, you should follow the tips below.

Understand the Difference between Editing and Proofreading

If you believe that editing and proofreading are twins, you’re not alone. Every second or third person uses them interchangeably without even bothering to know the difference which is more than ‘subtle’. A proof reader’s hand picks spelling and grammar errors, while an editor actions is to remove the work from any issue relating to the use of language, undertone, clarity, sequence, the flow of ideas, and everything that relates to the impact of work on a chosen audience. If you really want to make your pieces of writing stand out, have an eye of a proof reader and another of an editor.

Develop a Schedule

If you have a schedule in place, it releases much of the weight of your shoulders, and you know what to do and when to do it. In order to develop your schedule precisely, you need to be aware of your writing speed. Be conscious of the duration of your first draft to be done, and then you can allocate enough time for reviewing your work. If your checklist to go over your work is exhausting, you can cut down your proofreading and editing into smaller activities, such as reviewing for grammar errors, tone, clarity, choice of words, and so on with reasonable time allocated to each. Creating a schedule will let your nerves relax a lot, as you know exactly where you are will be heading with your essay. On the other hand, if you choose to go off on unplanned route, you may mess up your essay.

Make Proofreading Slow

You should never allow yourself to race ahead when proofreading, many writers make this mistake and end up wasting the time that they spend on proofreading, leaving several small errors mocking at them. Writer and editor Cody Rhodes from EssayZoo says: “If you really want to do justice to your work, go through every small detail. You may sprint along and think you have saved your time, but only until you find the things bouncing back to you for another revision. Not only does it tarnish your reputation but it also takes much more of your valuable time than if you have carefully revisited in the first go. In a nutshell, never think you are in a race when dealing with something as delicate as proofreading.”

So you can appreciate now that essay writing is not all about “writing”. Your work reflects your personality. Don’t let your piece of writing be unveiled to your audience before you go through it again and again until it speaks for itself, as this will make sure you present your best self to your readers.



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