Yesterdays Seven Wonders of Supply Chain - Part 1 - Institute of Supply Chain Management
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Yesterdays Seven Wonders of Supply Chain – Part 1

  • General News
  • 21st May 2016

As the leading Institute for Supply Chain around the Globe, we believe it is important to promote the fantastic opportunities available when you decide to choose Supply Chain as an industry to progress your career.

Supply Chain is not a career path often discussed in Schools or Colleges and often students are pushed down more traditional paths such as media, advertising, nursing, psychology, law and business studies. We want to show school leavers, university graduates and people looking for a new career path, that Supply Chain holds many possibilities and that it is never too late to change your future.

Over the next three weeks, we are running a new campaign which focuses aonthe Seven Wonders of the World, the supply chain involved and what they represent to this industry.

The 7 Wonders of the Supply Chain will start this week with the Modern Wonders of the Supply Chain. Next week we will be discussing the current wonders of today’s world and in week three we will explore what the wonders of the future will look like.

Please get involved with your thoughts on twitter #ioscm7wonders, facebook and linked in. Tell us your thoughts on how you began working in this industry and what you believe the current and future wonders will look like. Our first insight is below, we hope you enjoy it.



Petra is an underground City in Southern Jordan, known only to the Western World from 1812. Built roughly around 312 BC, Petra represents innovation at a time when technology was non-existent and the only materials available were from natural sources. The face of Petra is a temple standing 810 meters tall, but the city itself is so deep and complex that most of the development remains undiscovered. Inside the temple shows complex hydraulic water systems never seen at this age. To us, Petra represents the Innovation required to succeed in the Supply Chain.

Choose to work in Supply Chain and your innovative ideas could be remembered for years to come.

Colosseum – Economy

The Colosseum was a complicated build that was constructed surprisingly quickly considering the hurdles that needed to be overcome. Built as a political gesture after the civil war in 68AD , the amphitheatre was built as ‘the peoples palace’ and holding in excess of 50000 spectators, it was the largest amphitheatre in the Roman Empire. To us, the Coliseum represents the importance that the Supply Chain plays in the Economy. The Colosseum improved the roman economy from the moment it opened to its current day. Nearly 2000 years on, the Colosseum still adds millions to it’s economy and is attracts hundreds f thousands of tourists every year.

Choose a career in Supply Chain and you could help to build the economy of your country.

Chichen Itza – Career Progression

The Chichen Itza is the Largest known Mayan City built around 600AD containing various different Non-Mayan styles as a result of Cultural diffusion. From 900AD to 1050 AD the city slowly started to develop and soon became the regions capital, ruling over the North and South. Most famously known by the image of the El Castillo, this pyramid has 99 steps on each side designed to symbolise each day of the year. During equinox, a shadow is cast of a large serpents head looking down on the City.  To us The Chichen Itza symbolises the development opportunities available within Supply Chain. Starting out as a small town and building and developing into the ruling City that it reached at its peak. The pyramid represents each step taken to reach the highest point of the City.

Choose to work in Supply Chain and you can make your own pyramid, each step, a new role allowing you to climb higher and develop into positions you thought unimaginable.

Christ the Redeemer –Overseer

Christ the Redeemer was completed in 1931 standing high on the summit of Mount Corcovado, Rio De Janiro. It stands 98 feet tall and 92 feet wide at its widest point. It was built on a 26 foot pedestal overlooking the city and allowing it to be seen from anywhere in Rio. To us, Christ the Redeemer stands as an overseer of its city and acts as a fantastic representation of how skillfully managed departments can be combined to create such a large and eternal structure. Brazillian Engineer Silva Costa oversaw this project, managing finance provided by the church to organising the transportation of soap stone by railway.

Choose a Career in supply chain and you could oversee your own projects, anywhere in the world.

The Great Wall of China was built over 2000 years ago and initially began as three individual walls separating the major states of the country. The Qin dynasty was responsible for joining the walls into the 5500 mile long wall that it is known as today. Each aspect of the wall was designed as a defence structure to protect from invasion and took nearly 300 years to build. The Great Wall of China represents how inexperienced workers can develop their skills and create a product wanted by the world, defended from competitors and adds quality to its country and consumers.

Choose to work in Supply Chain and you could help build a product envied by your competitors and in demand around the world.

Taj Mahal – Sustainability

The Taj Mahal was completed in 1648 and means “the greatest palace” or “crown of palaces” in persian and arabic. Combining Indian, turkish, Islamic and Pirsian designs, the Taj Mahal is a unique Palace that acts as a Palace of Remembrance of Mumtaz Mahal. The Taj Mahal has been stunningly designed both in its exterior and interior and is a betifull gesture to house the tomb of Mughal emperor Shah Jahan‘s third wife. Due to the lack of technology available at the time, over 24 different types of materials were transported by Elephants from all over India and Asia and completed using a workforce of over 20000 Indians. Although the Taj Mahal has needed repair work, its foundations have remained and sustained the test of time. Other cities have tried to copy the design of this strong structure but all have failed to create a palace with the detail and size carried by the Taj Mahal. To us, The Taj Mahal represents foundations and sustainability.

Choose a career in Supply Chain and you could be part of something so strong and unique to its market that it carries its foundations well into the future.

Machu Picchu – Achievement

Machu Pitchu is a 15th Century Inca city standing high, nearly 8000 feet above see level in the Andes Mountains. The lost city remained undiscovered untill 1911 and is thought to have been a retreat for Incan rulers due to the distance from Peru. The Machu Pichu has been fully restored to its original glory and attracts tourists from all over the globe. The city, suprisingly, was built on two faults lines, in an area that opened itself to the elements. The inca’s protected their city by incorporating special construction designs which prevented collapse in Earthquakes and flooding when heavy rained occurred. To us, Machu Picchu combines all of the seven wonders together, progression, economy, sustainability, innovation, defense and Operations, it represents achievement.  A city built against the elements, so high that it has defended itself from damage, expanding its construction to the city it was known as and that it still stands tall, due to the construction techniques developed by the incas.

Choose a career in Supply Chain and you will unlock the journey that will allow you to achieve your Seven Wonders.

If you wish to discuss how IoSCM Can help you achieve your Seven Wonders, call us on 01913787538 or email

Written by Sophie Williams – IoSCM

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