Level 5 Ports & Shipping Course | Certificates & Diplomas | 99% Pass-rate
Tel: 0800 1422 522

Level 5 – Ports and Shipping Operations Management

  • Unrivaled support from the first phone call.
  • Choose how you study, pass units and gain your accredited qualification.
  • Course materials designed by industry experts.

The Level 5 Diploma in Ports and Shipping Management is designed for individuals working in the ports and shipping sector who wish to develop their knowledge and skills further. This course will help you to build a strong foundation to succeed in middle-level management roles, while also preparing you for other key responsibilities within the global supply chain.

Studying a Diploma in Ports and Shipping with IoSCM will help you expand your knowledge of ports and shipping and why the sector is vital to modern business operations while advancing your capabilities in a fast-paced, exciting and evolving industry.

Course Introduction

Completing a ports and shipping course with the Institute of Supply Chain Management (IoSCM) certifies your knowledge and skills to give you the best opportunity for progression in your career. With our expert support network and unmatched resources, we provide more than just a maritime qualification – we give you the tools to grow, learn and progress as an industry professional.

Unlike other ports and shipping training providers, we provide learners with the opportunity to develop their skills through a bespoke distance learning format, with support from industry experts every step of the way. You can custom build your course to suit your current experience level, career ambitions and employer’s objectives.

As well as being able to tailor the course by unit selection, there are also nine different methods to consider when it comes to your assessments, so you can complete your course in a way that suits your individual learning preferences.

The IoSCM Level 5 Diploma in Ports and Shipping Management is internationally recognised and was designed and developed by experts in the field. Along with expert guidance, you will receive first class online study materials which are aligned with National Occupational Standards (NOS).

When you have completed the Level 5 course, we offer qualifications to support your ongoing career development, including:

As well as training individuals, we also work with businesses to develop larger groups of employees. To find out more about how we can develop your team’s skills, call us on 0800 1422 522.

When you have completed your course you will gain an internationally recognised Diploma in Ports and Shipping from the Institute of Supply Chain Management and SFEDI Awards, an Ofqual regulated awarding organisation which is well recognised across the industry.

The IoSCM Level 5 Diploma in Ports and Shipping Management course is at the same level as a HND or 2 years of a degree but studied in your own time, at your own pace and in the comfort of your own home.

IoSCM qualifications are widely recognised and sought after by employers and businesses. The Level 5 course provides valuable industry knowledge tailored to you and your procurement career, giving you the best chance of progressing in your role.

If you would like to find out how this course could benefit your career, call our course advisory team today on 0800 1422 522.

When studying a qualification with IoSCM, you can register for a TOTUM NUS Extra card and receive exclusive discounts from household names designed to keep you ahead of the game in both your personal and professional life.  To view the full range of discounts, please click here.

Ofqual is the government organisation that regulates qualifications and the organisations that offer them, maintaining standards and therefore confidence in education across England.

When you choose to study with IoSCM, you can rest assured that every qualification is Ofqual regulated, guaranteeing high quality and a worthy investment for individuals and employers alike.

The NOS framework specifies the UK standards of performance that people are expected to achieve in their work, and the knowledge and skills they need to perform effectively. These standards are approved by UK government regulators.

Essentially, meeting the NOS framework means that with the IoSCM Level 5 Ports and Shipping course, you will learn exactly what is required in order to be successful in your job role. This will help you to become a valuable asset within your role, giving you the kinds of skills you couldn’t gain from a more academically-focused course.

Course Information

If you have any further questions about this course, and you can’t find the answer here, please give our course advisory team a call on 0800 1422 522. They will be more than happy to assist you with any queries you may have, as well as helping you find the right course for your needs.

Is This Qualification Suitable for Me?

The IoSCM Level 5 Diploma in Ports and Shipping Management course is designed for learners who have experience in the ports and/or shipping industry and want to expand their knowledge further, up to a middle management level. The course is also the perfect choice for individuals who are seeking to certify their skills.

The core unit, Management of Ports and Shipping Management, will provide you with a solid understanding of the industry, while the optional units enable you to tailor your globally recognised qualification to match your individual learning objectives. To find out more about the core unit or view the optional units available at this level, please visit the Units tab.


When studying with IoSCM, you will have access to the online learning platform and learning resource centre. The IoSCM learning platform provides you with all your course content, unit information and the option to interact with other learners studying the same course as you. The learning resource centre includes a huge library of resources for you to utilise which will support you throughout your learning.

All courses are studied through online and supported distance learning, so you can work through your course online at your own pace and utilise the support from the support and education teams as and when required.

When you enrol onto a course you will be assigned a learning support advisor. They will be your dedicated point of contact and will handle all queries while you study. You will also be assigned your own industry expert tutor for every unit you study, who will be on hand to provide you with guidance and feedback throughout your learning journey.

To apply for this course, give our course advisory team a call today on 0800 1422 522 or email info@ioscm.com. They’ll be happy to provide you with a step-by-step guide on the enrolment and payment process. To fund your qualification, you can organise payment in full or utilise one of our interest-free payment plan options. We also accept business-funded payments for employers seeking to fund their employees’ development. Contact us now and we can assess the best payment method for you during a free consultation call.


The Level 5 Diploma in Ports and Shipping Management offers a variety of optional units along with a core unit, Management of Ports and Shipping Management, so you can tailor your studies to the skills you want to develop.

The Management of Ports and Shipping Management core unit provides learners with the knowledge, understanding and skills required to work successfully in a ports and shipping role from an advanced perspective.

Indicative content includes:

  • The importance of shipping and international maritime trade
  • Business strategy and its contribution to growth in maritime trade
  • How effective container terminal management aids port operations
  • The concept of an agile port

To achieve the Level 5 Diploma, you need to complete a minimum of 40 credits. Every unit has a credit value assigned to it. Your core unit, Management of Ports and Shipping Management, provides you with 15 of the credits you need. This means you can select units from the extensive list below to provide you with the remaining 25 credits required to achieve your qualification.

By choosing units that will benefit your current role and develop your skills to the next level, you will have the best possible foundation for success in your ongoing shipping career.

List of Units – Click each unit for further information

15 Unit Credit Values

The primary purpose of any supply chain is to satisfy customer needs whilst in the process generating profits for itself. The stages involved within a supply chain are influenced by the needs and wants of the customer(s) and as technology continues to advance with it grows the need for businesses to adapt their way of working, adopt new technologies, and exceed customer expectation. In this unit of study, we examine how supply chains are upgrading in preparation for the next generation of innovation. Upon completion of this unit learners will have:

  • Capabilities of a modern supply chain
  • Effective logistics operations management
  • The impact of Industry 4.0 on the supply chain
  • How to harness new technologies to advance business operations

12 Unit Credit Values

The student will understand the demand characteristics of sea freight and the part of freight forwarders and ship owners in sea freight movement. You will recognise the factors influencing shipping supply and the requirements for ship registration and classification regulations.

  • Understand the principles of sea freight management
  • Understand Processes to Monitor and Evaluate the Performance of Contractors
  • Understand the role of shipping freight operations
  • Understand different financial strategies found within the shipping industry

10 Unit Credit Values

  • Explain the different types of road transport
  • Explain the fleet requirements and selection processes within an organisation of your choice
  • Explain the environmental concerns and control mechanisms related to transport
  • Discuss factors that affect vehicle performance
  • Explain the method of measuring and reading vehicle performance levels
  • Describe how to develop and implement a contingency plan to improve vehicle performance
  • Explain the objectives of essential planned maintenance
  • Explain how the quality of service is incorporated into operational scheduling
  • Describe the security risks related to vehicles and loads
  • Discuss the security requirements of vehicles, loads, and individuals
  • Describe the factors to be considered when developing a route plan
  • Describe how to build a delivery chain and distribution channel
  • Describe the characteristics and relevance of establishing good distribution channels
  • Explain the role of governance within the conventions of road transport planning
  • Describe suitable methods of performance management and managing performance
  • Describe the personal and professional skills required for effective management
  • Discuss how different leadership styles impact the achievement of objectives
  • Analyse different motivational approaches that can be used within the workplace
  • Describe effective communication methods and the barriers that might exist
  • Describe why successful decision making requires effective communication

10 Unit Credit Values

The main purpose of quality management is to ensure that an organisation, product or service is consistent and meets expectation. Quality management is focused not only on product and service quality, but also on the means to achieve it. Quality Management is the act of overseeing all activities and tasks that must be accomplished to maintain a desired level of excellence. Within the quality management course a learner will gain an understanding of:

  • What is Quality
  • What is Quality Management
  • Quality Management Systems
  • Explanation of ISO 9000, TQM, EFQM Excellence Model and Six Sigma.
  • Quality Management tools, methods and processes (7 wastes, balanced scorecard, SPC, 5 Whys, FMEA, TPM, Kaizen, JIT, PDCA, 5S and OEE)

The Planning and Control in Manufacturing and Production core unit provides learners with the knowledge, understanding and skills required to work successfully in a manufacturing and production management role.  Indicative content includes:

  • Components of production planning and its function within the supply chain
  • Inter-relationships between production planning, sales planning, and forecasting
  • Master scheduling and the evolution of manual control systems
  • Measures used to improve production planning performance

12 Unit Credit Values

You will discuss the association between leadership and management and describe the personal and professional skills required for effective management. A description of the information and communication technologies systems that support management decision making is provided, and there will be a discussion for the reasons for change within an organisation.

  • Understand the principles of leadership and management and personal development as a manager.
  • Understand how to manage and lead individuals and teams whilst also meeting the expectations of internal and external stakeholders
  • Understand how management decision making is informed by knowledge and information.
  • Understand the role a manager can play in managing change, projects and risk assessment in an organisation.

12 Unit Credit Values

The Operations Management processes Unit introduces the Learner to the role of operations and operations management within business.  The unit explains the factors in business that influence operations management, whether that be in a manufacturing environment or a service environment.  The Learner will understand:

  • How the operations function supports other areas of the business, whether that be supply chain, NPD, Logistics, Customer Service, and Human Resources
  • The main components of supply and demand and introduces the learner to key concepts and processes that influence the design and activities of a manufacturing business
  • How organisational strategy is translated into measurement strategy ensuring continuous focus on sustainable results
  • How operations improvement techniques enhance competitive advantage in business
  • Key methodologies to manage quality as well as Lean manufacturing aimed at the elimination of waste within production systems and the supply chain, including suppliers
  • The current challenges facing Operations Management, such as globalisation, climate change, and sustainability

15 Unit Credit Values

The main function of a warehouse is to store goods before moving them to another location. This involves multiple teams, departments, specialist equipment, systems, policies and processes to achieve an efficient and effective operation. Within the warehouse management course a learner will gain an understanding of:

  • The needs for warehouses and benefits gained from them and the different types of warehouse.
  • Warehouse policies and procedures, including policy guidelines.
  • Warehouse departments and processes, storage systems, layout and flows.
  • Warehouse resource planning and material/manual handling.
  • Integrated supply chain strategy, SCOR model and supply chain management.
  • EFQM framework, product life cycle, ABC classification, inventory accuracy and turns ratio.
  • H&S legislation and regulations applicable to a warehouse operation.
  • Technology, KPIs and financial systems with a warehouse operation

12 Unit Credit Values

The Transport Management level 5 unit will provide coverage of the following topics within its study material:

  • Introduction to Transport and the demand for movement and travel.
  • Rail, Sea, Air and Road transport types.
  • Historical developments in transport planning and access and mobility requirements.
  • Planning for society and the environment and road use pricing.
  • Sustainability and sustainability frameworks, including: the triple bottom line, the natural step and the ecological footprint.
  • Planning strategy and the government role in transport planning.
  • Types of transport planning, transport planning process and the four-stage transport plan and evaluation.
  • Demand forecasting and methods of appraisal and assessment.
  • Logistics strategies.
  • Environmentally sustainable transport, transport policy and strategy.

10 Unit Credit Values

This unit covers the monitoring, review, and evaluation of projects, including methods to assess project performance and mediums for disclosing project results. It explores project management procedures, including feasibility assessment, developing standards for success, and post-project evaluations.

  • The principles of Project Management;
  • How to identify and justify a management project;
  • How to conduct research and analyse data to fulfil a project aim; and
  • How to monitor, review and evaluate a project

15 Unit Credit Values

Global Logistics Operation plays a vital role in achieving the goals of an organisation. The effective logistics operation determines the financial impact of cost, customer service and overall companies profitability. In the unit of Logistics Management, a learner will gain an understanding of the following key topics in Logistics Operations:

  • Importance of customer service in Logistics Management
  • Supply Chain Development and Changes that affects logistics operations
  • legislation and regulations that apply to logistics operations
  • factors and risks that affect logistics scheduling
  • The planning process of logistics for efficient supply chain function operations
  • The main factors that affect the availability and demand for logistics resources
  • Strategies to Improve the logistics resources
  • Risk Management in Logistics

10 Unit Credit Values

The study material within this guide is specifically designed to enable you to demonstrate an understanding of the management of moving goods and identify the principles of logistics concerning it. This unit will allow the learner to;

  • Understand the principles and practices concerning the movement of goods
  • Understand how the characteristics of goods impact their handling
  • Understand the considerations that influence the flow of goods

12 Unit Credit Values

A management information system helps a company become more competitive. It reports and identifies what is working and what is not. These reports give owners the information they need to make decisions and improve the performance of their employees and the business.  At the end of this unit, the Learner will have an understanding of:

  • What is meant by a Management Information System
  • The role of a Management Information System within business
  • The relationship between Management Information Systems and business strategy
  • How Management Information Systems can drive change within an organisation
  • How Management Information Systems improve business performance and enhance decision making

10 Unit Credit Values

  • Explain the different types of road transport
  • Explain the fleet requirements and selection processes within an organisation of your choice
  • Explain the environmental concerns and control mechanisms related to transport
  • Discuss factors that affect vehicle performance
  • Explain the method of measuring and reading vehicle performance levels
  • Describe how to develop and implement a contingency plan to improve vehicle performance
  • Explain the objectives of essential planned maintenance
  • Explain how the quality of service is incorporated into operational scheduling
  • Describe the security risks related to vehicles and loads
  • Discuss the security requirements of vehicles, loads, and individuals
  • Describe the factors to be considered when developing a route plan
  • Describe how to build a delivery chain and distribution channel
  • Describe the characteristics and relevance of establishing good distribution channels
  • Explain the role of governance within the conventions of road transport planning
  • Describe suitable methods of performance management and managing performance
  • Describe the personal and professional skills required for effective management
  • Discuss how different leadership styles impact the achievement of objectives
  • Analyse different motivational approaches that can be used within the workplace
  • Describe effective communication methods and the barriers that might exist
  • Describe why successful decision making requires effective communication

12 Unit Credit Values

Inventory management is a crucial element of supply chain, efficient inventory management keeps the business lean and cash rich. In the unit of Inventory Management a learner will gain an understanding of the following:

  • Inventory Management Techniques
  • Strategies in Inventory Management
  • Financial Impact of Effective Inventory Management
  • Different Models of Inventory Control
  • Demand Forecasting Methods
  • Order Quantity models and their Limitations
  • Traditional inventory models vs Modern Inventory Models
  • Key Performance Indicators in Inventory Management
  • Stock Allocation and Distribution

15 Unit Credit Values

In the unit of Supply Chain Management, a learner will gain an understanding of the dynamic and competitive supply chain strategies to survive in a competitive marketplace. After completing the course, learner will be able to advance their knowledge in the following areas of supply chain:

  • Strengths and Weaknesses of a supply chain
  • Role of Supply chain in providing operational excellence leading to competitive edge
  • Key barriers to supply chain and their impacts
  • Strategies to reduce the supply chain barriers
  • Emerging technological advances in supply chain and their impacts on supply chain operations
  • Supply Chain Design and Planning

10 Unit Credit Values

International trade not only results in increased efficiency, but it also allows countries to participate in a global economy, encouraging the opportunity for foreign direct investment (FDI). In theory, economies can thus grow more efficiently and become competitive economic participants more easily.

Upon competition of this unit, the Learner will gain an understanding of:

  • Rules and regulations of international trade management relevant to your own supply chain operations.
  • The impact of the international trade management rules and regulations in relation to an organisation’s global strategy.
  • International supply strategies and structures for a global strategy.
  • Strategies for corporate management.
  • Suitable sources of trade finance.
  • Multi-currency transactions and the associated risks in international trade.
  • Strategies for the management of financial risk.

10 Unit Credit Values

The main purpose of international freight management is the movement of different goods through a complex supply chain from supplier to customer to facilitate manufacturing or sale to the appropriate market place.  This involves multiple stakeholders working together to move the goods efficiently and effectively across international borders whilst satisfying the legislation and regulations of different countries.  Within this unit the learner will gain an understanding of the following:

  • International trade documentation for freight forwarders.
  • Freight forwarders’ regulations for moving dangerous goods.
  • Carriage of goods by air and unit load devices.
  • Warsaw Convention and Hague Amendment.
  • Customs procedures, including taxes, excise and duties and customs codes and standardisations.
  • The planning process to move goods.
  • Explanation of the characteristics of an agile port and the technologies involved.
  • The development and implementation of an agile port.
  • The concept of multimodal transportation, globalisation and the role of containerisation.

10 Unit Credit Values

Ineffective or poor finance management within any organisation can lead to significant problems; indeed, most businesses recognise the importance of robust and effective finance management. From the local convenience store to FTSE 100 companies, finance management is crucial to ensure the long term success of the business.Through effective financial management, a business can identify underperforming areas and communicate the necessary steps for improvement – without this function, a company can’t operate efficiently and is likely to fail.   Upon completion of this unit, the Learner will have an understanding of:

  • Gathering and analysing cost information
  • The use of Management Information
  • The effective use of funds to add value to a business
  • Direct and indirect costs
  • Different groups of costs such as labour, materials, expenses, and fixed costs such as rent
  • Standard costs and variances management
  • Financial performance indicators
  • Financial reporting

8 Unit Credit Values

Factors that Influence Environmental Issues: Policies within an Organisation, Advantages of Policies, Impact of KPIs

Importance of Infrastructure and Equipment: Infrastructural and Equipment Requirements, Importance of Requirements

Monitoring and Controlling the Impact of Manufacturing on the Environment: Importance of Monitoring, Best Techniques to Monitor, Benefits of Effective Operational Performance

  • Describe what is meant by environmental issues in manufacturing
  • Explain the importance of environmental issues in manufacturing
  • Describe the policies and their advantages within an organisation in regards to environmental issues
  • Explain the suitability of key performance indicators (KPI’s) used to measure environmental performance
  • Describe three infrastructural requirements for dealing with environmental issues in manufacturing and their importance
  • Describe three equipment requirements for dealing with environmental issues in manufacturing and their importance
  • Explain the importance of monitoring performance in environmental issues in manufacturing
  • Describe how to select the best technique to monitor performance in environmental issues in manufacturing
  • Describe the benefits of effective operational performance in dealing with environmental issues

12 Unit Credit Values

Customer Service is vital to the success of any organisation.  Attracting new business is far more difficult than retaining existing customers.  Businesses know this, and as such, having a good understanding of what it takes to make and keep customers happy is crucial.  Effective Customer Service can add value to the product or service, help retain loyal customers, result in positive reviews, improve employee satisfaction and retention and can improve the bottom line.

In this unit, the Learner will gain an understanding of:

  • Customer relationship management
  • Customer relationship strategy
  • Organisation communication strategy
  • Internal and external customers
  • Organisational culture and achieving culture change
  • Measuring customer satisfaction
  • Managing customer feedback and complaints

15 Unit Credit Values

Planning and Control in manufacturing is a critical function that defines the heartbeat of any organisation.  Planning is extremely important in an organisation because it is the stage at which managers set objectives that determine the organisation activities in the near future.  By providing a more rational, fact-based procedure for making decisions, planning allows managers and organisations to minimise risk and uncertainty.  At the end of this unit, the Learner will have an understanding of:

  • The production planning cycle
  • How sales planning requirements are incorporated into the production plan
  • The demand management processes
  • Forecasting techniques
  • How to generate a Master Production Schedule
  • Principles and management of Rough Cut Capacity Planning (RCCP)
  • The efficiency of different planning systems
  • The development of benchmarking and benchmarking techniques
  • The options for improving product planning performance
  • The performance measures for use in production planning performance improvement

12 Unit Credit Values

In the unit of Procurement Management, a learner will understand the techniques and procedures to manage the procurement operations and optimise the procure-to-pay process effectively. The indicative content of the course covers the following essential topics in procurement management:

  • Procurement Management role in increasing the organisational efficiency
  • Importance of collaboration and Strong Supplier Relationship
  • Vital factors that impacts the Procurement efficiency in an organisation
  • Contract Management and Compliance
  • Risk Management techniques for effective procurement functions

10 Unit Credit Values

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a management initiative whereby companies integrate social, economic and environmental concerns into their business operations. CSR is concerned with the sustainability of an organisation to ensure they are viable over the long term and is used to add value to an organization’s activities by ensuring they have a positive impact on society, the economy and environment.  Following this unit, the Learner will have an understanding of:

  • What is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
  • Three Pillars of Sustainability
  • The Triple Bottom Line
  • Ethics in the Supply Chain
  • Sustainability in Procurement and Supply
  • Risks of Sustainability
  • Environmental Issues
  • Greenhouse Gases (GHGs)
  • Carbon Footprint
  • Globalisation

8 Unit Credit Values

Business Development aims to create long-term value for the company by recognising and exploiting new opportunities, strengthening relationships with existing customers, and improving the company’s overall performance. Following this unit, the learner will have an understanding of the following:

  • Different types of strategic planning techniques.
  • Approaches to strategy evaluation and selection
  • The terminology used for strategy development
  • Methods of building collaborative business relationships
  • Contemporary business marketing on marketing strategies
  • Various Business Planning Techniques
  • The impact of Business Process Modelling on a business
  • Types of customer support systems etc

12 Unit Credit Values

Business Management is, in essence, the framework for how businesses are run.  Done well, it benefits every aspect of a company, including the management, the employees and the customers. Good business management involves considering every employee as an individual and finding ways to maximise their potential by using their unique skills.

Following this unit, the Learner will have an understanding of:

  • Different types of business planning techniques
  • Approaches to strategy evaluation and selection
  • Methods of building collaborative business relationships and how effective client interaction can be assured
  • The roles of Human Resource Management professionals and line managers
  • Organisation procedures and practices, in line with legislation, with regard to employment of employees, remuneration of employees, appraisal of employees
  • The causes of and problems surrounding cash flow forecasting in business
  • How suitable costing techniques can be applied to assess the financial ramifications of uninformed decisions
  • Your own country’s contract law and the effects of breach of contract upon a business in your country
  • Contemporary business marketing on marketing strategies

Jobs and Progression

With the achievement of each level, you will expand your earning potential and evolve your career. The job titles become more prestigious and the salary grows as you continue your professional development.

With an IoSCM Level 5 Ports and Shipping qualification, you can expect to move into roles such as:

  • CUSTOMER SERVICE MANAGER: £26,500 – £50,000
  • IMPORT EXPORT MANAGER: £31,000 – £52,500
  • SALES MANAGER: £31,000 – £60,000
  • SHIPPING MANAGER: £32,000 – £50,000
  • TRANSPORT MANAGER: £32,000 – £50,000
  • DISTRIBUTION MANAGER: £32,500 – £60,000
  • LOGISTICS MANAGER: £33,500 – £57,500
  • FREIGHT MANAGER: £34,000 – £55,000
  • OPERATIONS MANAGER: £35,500 – £60,000


Speak to us today about our progression routes on 0800 1422 522.

*Salaries are based on national averages and may vary depending on location.

Our expertise

IoSCM Education Team 

We have some of the best tutors in the industry as members of the IoSCM education team. When you have enrolled onto an IoSCM course you’ll receive unlimited one-to-one support, guidance and feedback from your assigned tutor.

Communication can be organised through a phone call, email, text, video call or through the chat system on the online learning platform.

Because we have tutors specialising in every sector of the supply chain industry, we have a strong understanding of the requirements to succeed and progress within every field.

IoSCM Learning Support Team 

In addition to the tutor team, you will be assigned a learning support advisor who will ensure your learning journey goes to plan. They will introduce you to your course, help you navigate the learning platform and have frequent catch ups with you throughout your studies to make sure you’re on track.

Dedicated Business Support

If you’re an employer looking into training courses for employees, you will also have a dedicated business contact who can help you with finding the best training options based on your business requirements. Your business contact will also provide access to your employees’ course progression updates.

Our Client Base

Don’t just take our word for it; we’re trusted by thousands of businesses who have employees studying our distance learning courses, in 101 countries across the globe. From entry-level personnel to senior managers, we’re securing the future of the logistics and transport industry by delivering fully accredited UK qualifications.

Business Enquiry

Are you looking for training for your employees? Contact our Business Development team to discuss how IoSCM can create the perfect training package for you.

Our Business Development team are highly knowledgeable in the Supply Chain industry, with years of experience and proven success in guiding and advising organisations worldwide towards the best suited training for their requirements. Our team work with you, establishing an understanding of the current skills and knowledge of each team member along with the organisations development needs, to recommend a tailored supported training package for you and your team.

Benefits to Business

  • Dedicated, tailored business support
  • Assistance every step of the way
  • Learner Updates created for your business
  • Access to external support and resources in collaboration with IoSCM
  • One to one support for each and every member of your team
  • Group Learning available

Bespoke training available – take advantage of the full flexibility of IoSCM.

Corporate Membership

Created to support companies and organisations of all sizes, IoSCM Corporate Membership will advanced the capabilities of your business. With various grading of Corporate Membership available, you can access the professional resources, benefits and industry expert support suited to your business. Click here to find out more.

Submit your Business Enquiry

“I chose to study an IoSCM Level 5 Diploma to improve my knowledge of the industry and to further my career progression. I undertook much research, as I wanted to find the best course to suit my needs, and I felt the choice of units and the flexibility of study provided by the IoSCM was the best option for me.

I have had a very good experience of studying with the Institute of Supply Chain Management; I found the course material to be very helpful and the student support team were fantastic in providing me with guidance and advice to ensure I progressed through my studies with ease.

I would definitely recommend the IoSCM and their courses to others. The optional units have helped me to develop new skills and knowledge that are specific to my job role and will help me to progress me career in future.”

Magloire Muyembe

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