Supply Chain Training Courses for Businesses | Certificates & Diplomas | IoSCM
Tel: 0800 1422 522

For Business

The Institute of Supply Chain Management (IoSCM) works with companies to ensure that they benefit from its dedicated business support service, flexible qualifications and industry expertise.


Providing training for employees develops a positive morale within the workforce and creates a positive team culture where employees feel confident in working towards the organisation’s objectives.

Training is essential in employee retention; if your staff feel they are valued in the organisation and can develop themselves professionally, they are more likely to maintain an enthusiasm for their role and a desire to succeed. Ultimately the cost implication for replacing the skill set of an employee is far greater than the cost to retain and develop that employee.

In a supply chain organisation, there may be several different sector skills and levels of employee to train. Typically this would present the challenge of identifying an awarding body to provide a course to suit the needs of each individual. IoSCM has developed a range of courses covering various sectors of the supply chain, meaning minimal hassle for employers. What’s more, these qualifications can be achieved through the Institute’s highly experienced distance learning team.

Professional development serves not only to refresh employee knowledge but is also proven to be a motivator for increased performance, leading to organisational success.

To find out more about training your staff to meet the needs of your business contact IoSCM: Tel:0800 433 4541

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